Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is one of the cornerstones of the association - it is about getting to know your neighbours and helping them if for some reason they need assistance ... perhaps if someone is ill or their house alarm is sounding or their property needs a watchful eye during an absence.

We also support the "No Doorstop Selling Scheme", which is underwritten by Trading Standards, to help protect us all from rogue, unannounced callers.

In order to improve the communication options for our members with regard to safeguarding our neighbourhood please register on the national Neighbourhood Watch Schemes system which supports emailing, texting (SMS & WhatsApp) and voice messaging (preferences which you can set to suit yourself) by using this link and joining our scheme …

In order to deter crime and cold calling traders on our estate, bright yellow NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH signs are fitted on some of the lampposts and warning stickers that "uninvited traders" are not welcome can be displayed by your front door. 

With the continuing rise of phone and online scams there are also information packs with stickers to put beside your phone and computer that are available from Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards.

Please contact Keith Farrington through the "Contact Us" page if you need sticker packs or other neighbourhood watch information. 

Some useful phone numbers:

999    Police Emergency only (call if you see a crime being committed)

101    Police non-emergency  (or use online Report a Crime)

111    NHS non-emergency advice

0800 555 111    CrimeStoppers (to report information totally anonymously)


Due to attempted thefts from vans on the estate, advice is to reverse up to your garage door, so that there is no space for anyone to attack your van's rear doors.  If you have a side door, consider additional specialist van locks.  Finally, always activate your alarm when the vehicle is not in use.


If you should happen to witness or suffer any loss/damage please complete an "Incident Report" form (see download link below) and email it to so we can compile useful data for our estate