Your Committee

Your association is managed by the current committee. 

If you are interested in joining this team please contact the Chairperson (

Neil Terry - Chairperson & Social Secretary

Neil is a founder member of the residents' association and has taken on the role of Chairperson since 2018.

He is also responsible for our social events and coordinates our permit parking scheme.

Neil is one of the local representatives facilitating the distribution/collection of information to & from the members of the association.

David Francis - Treasurer

David is responsible for financial management and accounting.

He maintains the association accounts, bank reconciliations and auditing. David presents his treasurer's report to each committee meeting and at our AGMs.

David also sits on the management committee of the Daws Hill Neighbourhood Forum.

Philippa Staples - Membership Secretary

Philippa maintains our membership database, sends out our emails to members and looks after our constitution.

Keith Farrington - Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator

Keith represents us as our Neighbourhood Watch coordinator.

He also helps maintain the association's website.

Keith is one of the local representatives facilitating the distribution/collection of information to & from the members of the association.

Ian Webber - Estate Management

Ian is a long serving committee member and takes care of any traffic and estate management related topics.

Ian is one of the local representatives facilitating the distribution/collection of information to & from the members of the association.

Malcolm Clark

Malcolm is a long serving committee member and provides valuable assistance to other committee members.

Malcolm is one of the local representatives facilitating the distribution/collection of information to & from the members of the association.

Vicki Gunner

New committee member but lived on the estate for 13 years

Prasad Sriramula

New committee member