Social Events

Your association has an active social calendar, managed by the committee. However, we also get a lot of support from members and this is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

Regular events include ...

Golf Day

18 holes of Stapleford competition at Princes Risborough Golf Club

The 2023 Golf Day was won by Malcolm Clark.

Members and their guests are welcome - contact Neil Terry at 19 The Spinney for more information.

This event will next be held on ... Saturday,  29 June 2024

Summer BBQ

A fun afternoon/evening of food and games on The Spinney Green - often held for a special occasion - so come and socialise with your committee and neighbours. 

Our last BBQ on 9 July 2023 was a great event with some 80 residents attending; food was kindly donated by TESCO; thanks to all those that helped in the preparation, set-up & clear down.

Please come along and join us again on ... Sunday, 14 July 2024 (4pm to 7pm) on The Spinney Green

Secret Santa 

Santa visits to hand out small gifts to our children and the adults huddle around to chat over some mulled wine and mince pies. There might even be snow on the ground!!
Please come along and join us at Santa's grotto - 33 The Spinney (Malcolm's carport) on ...  Sunday, 22 December 2024 @ 5:30pm

Best Garden / Decorations

In most years around August, your committee vote on what they consider to be the BEST GARDEN on our estate and award a garden centre voucher prize. Consideration is given not only to creativity, but also effort and the length of time that the winning garden has been kept up to standard.
For a change, in 2021 a prize it was instead awarded in December to the house with the BEST OUTSIDE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS - see the photos below of that winning effort.

The competition will next be awarded for best outside festive decorations in ...  December 2024

Easter Egg Hunt

Held on Easter Sunday from 10:00am to11:00am, where over 30 plastic eggs were hidden around our estate.
Each egg contained a mystery number to be traded in for a selection of real chocolate eggs.
Our members children thoroughly enjoyed this event - see the photos below.
The hunt will next be held on ... Sunday, 20 April 2025

Spring Clean

This annual event where our community-spirited members get together to give the whole estate a "spring clean". Everything looks so much nicer when all the litter and pesky gutter weeds are gone and energetic children can help too.
It will next be held on ... Saturday, TBA April 2025 (meet by The Spinney Green at 10:00am)